My Secret Productivity Hack for Getting More Done (and Enjoying the Process!)

Paul Avins
July 10, 2024
3 min read

As a business coach and entrepreneur, I'm always looking for ways to optimise my productivity and make the most of my time. But I've learned that true productivity isn't just about cramming more tasks into each day - it's about creating the conditions for your best work to emerge. In this post, I'll share one of my favourite productivity hacks that has helped me get more done while actually enjoying the process.

The hack is simple: I choose to work on creative projects on Sunday mornings.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking - "Work on a Sunday? No way!" But hear me out. There are a few key reasons why this unconventional approach works wonders for me:

  1. Energy and Focus: By taking Saturdays as a true rest day, I find that I have abundant energy and clarity on Sunday mornings. My mind is fresh, my body is rejuvenated, and I'm able to dive into deep, focused work without the distractions of the workweek.
  2. Entrepreneurial Mindset As an entrepreneur: I've learned to think of my week as a continuous cycle, not a Monday-to-Friday grind. This insight came from my mentor, Dan Sullivan, who taught me the power of a 1-7 mindset versus a Monday-to-Sunday one. By treating every day as an opportunity for growth and progress, I'm able to stay agile and adapt my schedule to my energy levels and priorities.
  3. Natural Inspiration: I've found that doing creative work in environments close to nature supercharges my productivity and inspiration. Whether it's a park bench, a quiet trail, or a cosy coffee shop with a garden view, being around natural beauty helps me tap into my best ideas. Plus, taking short walks every 50 minutes or so has been scientifically proven to rebalance your body and brain, leading to better focus and output.

Now, I'm not saying that Sunday morning work sessions are the right fit for everyone. The key is to find the time and environment that allows you to do your best work with the greatest ease and enjoyment. Maybe for you, it's a pre-dawn power hour or a Friday afternoon brainstorm over lattes. The point is to be intentional about creating the conditions for your productivity to thrive.

And remember, productivity isn't just about output - it's also about the quality of your experience. We only get each day once, so why not make the most of it? By choosing to work at a time and in a way that feels good to you, you'll not only get more done, but you'll also infuse your work with a sense of joy and fulfillment.

So here's my challenge to you: This week, experiment with one unconventional productivity hack. Maybe it's shifting your creative work to a different day or time, or finding a new environment that inspires you. Pay attention to how it feels and what you're able to accomplish. And most importantly, have fun with it! Productivity doesn't have to be a chore - it can be a delightful part of a life well-lived.

As always, I'm cheering you on as you find your own path to peak performance. And if you have any favorite productivity hacks of your own, I'd love to hear about them! Let's keep the conversation going and support each other in making the most of our time and talents.